eduIDT – Kick off meeting – Towards Inclusive Design Thinking

In the second week of November, the project eduIDT (Application of Inclusive Design Thinking in the Technically–Oriented Subjects at HEI) started with the cooperation of 9 consortium partners.

The eduIDT project is aimed at the implementation of inclusive design thinking in technically oriented subjects at universities in Europe. In addition to the creation of materials and procedures for the use of inclusive design thinking in teaching, the intention is to confront students and teachers at universities with the problems of an inclusive society and participate in their solution.

The international eduIDT consortium, under the coordination of the University of Zilina (Slovakia), is formed by another 8 partners, specifically by six universities: Tallinn University (Estonia), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), Sveuciliste u Zagrebu (Croatia), Debreceni Egyetem (Hungary), IMT Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire (France), Wilhelm Wilhelm Büchner Institut für Angewandte Forschung und Gestaltung gGmbH (Germany),  one partner from practise Eggztra Innovations s.r.o. (Slovakia),one non-governmental organisation European Institute for Labour and Industrial Relations (Germany).

The eduIDT kick-off meeting was held on November 7th, 2022, through the MS TEAMS platform. Project manager Eva Malichova (UNIZA, Slovakia) welcomed all project partners and then presented the project's main goals, work packages and activities. Discussion of the project partners focused on task details and project responsibilities.

This meeting was the first official step towards a joint effort in an international context to help create a human-centred approach and creative technical solutions related to inclusion in the frame of the higher educational processes at univesities. The project at the Faculty of Informatics is led by Marianna Zichar, while Ildikó Papp and Henrietta Tomán are members of the DEIK team. The project will involve students later, so it is worth paying attention to the calls.


Last update: 2023. 01. 26. 17:57